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Cubicle Fugitive Team to Lead Marketing Workshop at TLOMA’s 2024 Conference

News Item

Cubicle Fugitive’s Co-Founder, Morgan MacLeod; Head of Marketing and Client Strategy, Andrea Falcone; and Brand and Communications Manager, Meagan Ellison, will lead an interactive marketing session held on Thursday, September 26th, 2024, at 10:30 am EST at TLOMA’s 2024 Conference and Trade Show in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

In the session Mastering Social Media Content: Strategies and Tools for Success, Morgan, Andrea, and Meagan will share practical tips, impactful strategies, and best practices for leveraging the most relevant social media platforms. Attendees will gain insights to help develop a communications plan and engage with their audience more meaningfully to expand their LinkedIn network.

For more details about the session, please visit TLOMA’s website:

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