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Morgan MacLeod
Kalvin MacLeod
J.T. Kent
Andrea Falcone
Jacobo Senior
Cindy Harrison
Nicholas Straughan
Hannah Collinson
Kaitlyn Pacheco-Azurdia
Jenna Crawford
Trevor Cameron
Kevin Reniers
Sarah Veale
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Phronesis Partners
Torkin Manes
PACE Technical
Fillmore Riley
McLennan Ross
KSV Advisory
Robson Carpenter LLP
Conway Litigation
Smart & Biggar
The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI)
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP
Aird & Berlis LLP
Show all Clients
Accountancy Insurance
Adair Goldblatt Bieber
Agro Zaffiro LLP
Aird & Berlis LLP
Alves Law
Banafsheh Danesh & Javid (BD&J)
Barcus Arenas PLLC
Beautiful World Canada
Belmore Neidrauer LLP
Bentham IMF
Bergel Magence LLP
Bergmanis Preyra LLP
Bianchi Presta LLP
Bogoroch & Associates LLP
Book Law
Brattys LLP
Bridge Legal
CaleyWray Lawyers
Canadian Neuromodulation Pain Management Centre (CNPM)
Capital Regional District Arts & Culture (CRDAC)
Carranza LLP
Cavalluzzo LLP
Centro Legal Works
Chaitons LLP
Charney Lawyers
Cohen Hamilton Steger & Co. (CHS)
Constantine Legal
Conway LLP
Corman Feiner
Crosbie & Company Inc.
Cubicle Fugitive
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP (CCSB)
Daoust Vukovich LLP
Davies Howe LLP
Dentons Canada LLP
Deo Condominium Lawyers
Digital Health and Discovery Platform (DHDP)
Dillon Consulting Limited
Dunnion Law
Durham College
Dutton Brock LLP
Epstein Cole LLP
Evans Law Firm
Fillmore Riley LLP
Fine & Deo
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
Forget Smith
Gairdner Foundation
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Glaholt Bowles LLP
Gluckstein Lawyers
Goddard Gamage LLP
Goodmans LLP
Gowling WLG
Green and Spiegel LLP (GANDS)
Griesing Law
Hamilton Law Association
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
HSM Chartered Professional Accountants
Hughes Amys LLP
Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario
Koskie Minsky LLP
KSV Advisory
Lawson Lundell LLP
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
Leason Ellis LLP
Lerners LLP
Lette LLP
Lipman Zener & Waxman (LZW)
Little Peoples Daycare
Loopstra Nixon LLP
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
M&A Risk Advisors
Macdonald Sager LLP
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP
Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network
Martin & Hillyer Associates
Mathews Samac LLP
McCarter Grespan Lawyers
McGonigle Law
McLennan Ross
McMaster Assistive Technology
McMaster Health Forum
McMaster University
Metro Economics
Miller Thomson
Mills & Mills LLP
Minden Gross LLP
Morrison Brown Sosnovitch LLP
North American Construction (1993) Ltd. (NAC)
O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP
Oakville Hospital Foundation
Oakwest Dental
PACE Technical
Paliare Roland
Pandeya Kidney Centre
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.
Pettinelli Mastroluisi LLP
Phronesis Partners
Pink Larkin
Progressive Contractors Association (PCA)
Robert William Young & Associate
Robins Appleby LLP
Robson Carpenter LLP
Ronald McDonald House
Roper Greyell LLP
Ross & McBride LLP
Rye Park Manor
Sandfield Property Group (SPG)
Scargall Owen-King LLP (SOKLLP)
Sherrard Kuzz LLP
Shields O'Donnell MacKillop LLP
Smart & Biggar
SOAR Professional Services
Space Hydraulics
SpecKids Unlimited
Spetter Zeitz Klaiman
Strigberger Brown Armstrong LLP
SV Law
Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI)
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA)
The Morris Law Group (MLG)
The Top Law Firm
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP
Torkin Manes LLP
TSC Law Professional Corporation
TTL Health Law
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP
Waterous Holden Amey Hitchon LLP
Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Wood Bull LLP
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McLennan Ross: Event Tent
Willms and Shier Lawyers LLP: Website Design and Development (2024)
Spetter Zeitz Klaiman: Website Design and Development
Pink Larkin: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Pink Larkin: Social Media Banners and Content
Gluckstein Lawyers: Microsites
Lerners LLP: Billboard Advertising Campaign
Lowenstein Sandler LLP: PowerPoint One-Sheets
Progressive Contractors Association: Brand Positioning and Strategy
O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP: Logo Design
O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Mathews Samac LLP - Logo Design
Space Hydraulics: Logo Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Advertising Campaign Templates
Torkin Manes LLP: Website Design and Development 2024
Torkin Manes LLP: Newsletter Banner Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Social Media Templates
Torkin Manes LLP: Trade Show Banners and Tablecloths
Torkin Manes LLP: Brochure
Torkin Manes LLP: Stationery and Marketing Collateral
Torkin Manes LLP: 50th Anniversary Logo
Torkin Manes LLP: Brand and Style Guidelines
Torkin Manes LLP: Internal and Employee Branding
Torkin Manes LLP: Brand Strategy and Positioning
Wood Bull LLP: Stationery and Marketing Collateral
Progressive Contractors Association: Website Design and Development
Progressive Contractors Association: Tradeshows and Events
Progressive Contractors Association: Logo and Visual Brand Design
RSG Law: Copywriting
RSG Law: Website Design and Development
Miller Thomson: Employer Brand Campaign
Wood Bull LLP: Professional Bios and Copywriting
Wood Bull LLP: Website Design and Development
Barcus Arenas PLLC: Public Adjusters Brochure
Loopstra Nixon: Advertising Campaign
Adair Goldblatt Bieber: Website Design and Development
KSV: Calgary Office Communications
Adair Goldblatt Bieber: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Lawson Lundell LLP: Yellowknife Airport Video Advertisement
Teal: Brand Guidelines
Teal: Communications and Brand Naming Strategy for the Merger of Aligned Technology Solutions (ATS) and TechGen
M&A Risk Advisor: Social Media Channel and Post Templates
Lerners LLP: Brand Guidelines
Lerners LLP: Advertising Campaign
PACE Technical: Advertising Campaign
PACE Technical: Brand Strategy and Positioning
PACE Technical: Website Design and Development
PACE Technical: E-Books
PACE Technical: Stationery and Marketing Collateral
PACE Technical: Logo and Visual Brand Design
PACE Technical: Employee Branding and Communications
M&A Risk Advisor: Website Design and Development
M&A Risk Advisor: Logo Design and Visual Brand
M&A Risk Advisor: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Brattys LLP: Lexpert Bios
Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network: Website Design and Development
Fillmore Riley: Anniversary Logo
Teal: Logo Design
Spetter Zeitz Klaiman: Rebrand Marketing
Chaitons LLP: Anniversary Logo
PACE Technical: Social Media Marketing
Alves Law: Brand Positioning and Content
Chaitons LLP: Social Media Banners and Templates
RSG Law: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Smart and Biggar: Advertising
KSV Advisory: Social Media Marketing
Aird & Berlis: Brochure
Deo Condominium Lawyers: Website Design and Development
Epstein Cole LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Holiday Card Design
The Top Law Firm: Video Commercial
The Top Law Firm: Social Media Profiles
The Top Law Firm: Social Media Management and Reporting
The Top Law Firm: Banner Advertisements
Teal: Brand Strategy and Positioning
Fillmore Riley: Ad Campaign
McLennan Ross: Brochure Design and Marketing Collateral
Smart and Biggar: Holiday Card Design
Chaitons LLP: Holiday Card Design
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton LLP: Advertising Campaign
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein: Brochure Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Holiday Card Design
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Social Media Advertising and Marketing 2022
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Advertising
The Top Law Firm: Brochure
Cavalluzzo LLP: Holiday Card Design
Aird & Berlis: Advertising
Smart and Biggar: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Smart and Biggar: Brochure Design
McLennan Ross: Ad Copy, Ad Campaign and Design
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Holiday Card Design
The Top Law Firm: Tradeshow Booth and Stand-up Banners
The Top Law Firm: Blogging and Social Media Calendar
Conway Litigation: Tradeshows and Events
HSM: Corporate Headshots and Photography
HSM: Content and Social Media Marketing
HSM: Professional Bios and Copywriting
Accountancy Insurance: Brochure
Scargall Owen-King LLP: Holiday Card Design
Gluckstein Lawyers: Advertising
Goodmans: Website and Development
Corman Feiner: Brand Strategy and Positioning
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Advertising
Martin and Hillyer Associates: Brochure Design
Canadian Neuromodulation Pain Management: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Belmore Neidrauer LLP: Website Design and Development
Belmore Neidrauer LLP: Social Media
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Holiday Card Design
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Advertising
Carranza: Brochure Design and Marketing Collateral
Cavalluzzo LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Brochure Design
Strigberger Brown Armstrong LLP: Brochure Design
Accountancy Insurance: Advertising
Miller Thomson: Employer Brand Strategy and Positioning
Gairdner Foundation: Website Design and Development
Dutton Brock: Advertising
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Ad Campaign
Fillmore Riley: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Fillmore Riley: Website Design and Development
Fillmore Riley: Stationery and Business Collateral
Fillmore Riley: Corporate Headshots and Photography
Fillmore Riley: Logo and Brand Refresh
Fillmore Riley: Brand Positioning and Strategy
M&A Risk Advisor: Brand Naming and Positioning
Evans Law Firm: Website
Evans Law Firm: Visual Brand and Business Collateral
Robins Appleby: Website Design and Development 2023
MacDonald Sager: Website Design and Development
Macdonald Sager: Stationery Design and Business Cards
MacDonald Sager: Brand and Visual Identity
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Website
Gluckstein Lawyers: Website Design and Development
McLennan Ross: Website Design and Development
McLennan Ross: Content Marketing and Copywriting
McLennan Ross: Internal and Employee Branding
McLennan Ross: Tradeshows and Events
McLennan Ross: Yellowknife Ad Campaign
McLennan Ross: Logo Design and Visual Brand
Fillmore Riley: Professional Bios and Profiles
McLennan Ross: Brand Positioning and Strategy
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Website Design and Development 2022
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Data Analytics and Reporting
Mills & Mills LLP: Social Media Marketing, Data Analytics and Reporting, and WCAG, AODA
KSV Advisory: Website Design and Development
KSV Advisory: Ad Copy, Ad Campaign and Design
KSV Advisory: Professional Bios and Profiles Content Marketing and Copywriting and SEO
KSV Advisory: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Griesing Law: Website Development and Content Management System
TSC Law Professional Corporation: Brand Strategy and Positioning
TSC Law Professional Corporation: Website Design and Development
Loopstra Nixon: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra: Website Design and Development
Loopstra Nixon: Website Design and Development
SOAR Professional Services: Website Design and Development
SOAR Professional Services: Social Media
Robson Carpenter LLP: Content Development (Bios)
Robson Carpenter LLP: Logo Design and Visual Brand
Robson Carpenter LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Robson Carpenter LLP: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Robson Carpenter LLP: Website Design and Development
Dentons Canada LLP: Brand Awareness and Business Building Seminar
Deo Condominium Lawyers: Advertising
Deo Condominium Lawyers: Logo Design
Cavalluzzo LLP: Website - Microsite
Conway Litigation: Professional Bios and Profiles/Content Marketing and Copywriting
Conway Litigation: Logo Design and Visual Brand
Conway Litigation: Website Design and Development
Conway Litigation: Social Media
Conway Litigation: Brand Positioning and Strategy
Ian Brown Photography: Social Media Marketing and Advertising
McMaster Assistive Technology: Website
Little Peoples Daycare: Website
Charney Lawyers: Advertising
Charney Lawyers: Website
Sandfield Property Group (SPG): Website
Digital Health & Discovery Program: Website
Cubicle Fugitive: Website
Mills & Mills LLP: Search Engine Optimization and Website On-Page and Off-Page SEO
Capital Regional District (CRD): Website
HSM Chartered Professional Accountant: Strategic Planning and Marketing Plans
Epstein Cole LLP: Website
Cavalluzzo LLP: Website 2019
Epstein Cole LLP: Copywriting and Lawyer Bios
Torkin Manes LLP: Advertising
Centro Legal Works: Brochure Design
Charney Lawyers: Marketing Strategy and Plans
Canadian Neuromodulation Pain Management: Logo Design
Chaitons LLP: Website 2020
Chaitons LLP: Logo Design
Chaitons LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Website
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Newsletter
Centro Legal Works: Digital Advertising Campaign
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Stationery Design and Business Cards
Chaitons LLP: Corporate Headshots
Smart and Biggar: Tradeshows and Events
Pandeya Kidney Centre: Website
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Bentham IMF: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Canadian Neuromodulation Pain Management: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Cavalluzzo LLP: Advertising
Smart and Biggar: Corporate Headshots and Photography
SV Law: Logo Design
Charney Lawyers: Social Media Optimization and Management
SV Law: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Holiday Card
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Goddard Gamage LLP: Website
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Website
Lerners LLP: Advertising
Canadian Neuromodulation Pain Management: Website
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Search Engine Optimization and Website On-Page and Off-Page SEO
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Website
Accountancy Insurance: Tradeshows and Events
Smart and Biggar: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Smart and Biggar: Signage Design
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Corporate Headshots and Photography
TTL Health Law: Corporate Headshots
Shields O'Donnell Mackillop LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Lerners LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Dillon Consulting Limited: Digital Analytics and Data Reporting
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Logo Design
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Tradeshows and Events and Signage
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Smart and Biggar: Website
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Logo Design
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Website
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Copywriting and Lawyer Bios
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Logo Design
Smart and Biggar: Internal and Employee Branding
Charney Lawyers: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Corporate Headshots
Charney Lawyers: Logo Design
Fine and Deo: Advertising
Smart and Biggar: Copywriting and Professional Bios
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Copywriting and Attorney Bios
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Strigberger Brown Armstrong LLP: Advertisement and Postcard
Epstein Cole LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Website
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Copywriting and Professional Bios
Accountancy Insurance: Social Media
Accountancy Insurance: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Video
Charney Lawyers: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Bridge Legal: SEO and Copywriting
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Corporate Headshots
Pandeya Kidney Centre: Advertising
CaleyWray Lawyers: Corporate Headshots
Dillon Consulting Limited: Website
Pandeya Kidney Centre: Logo Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Microsites
Rye Park Manor: Brochure Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Tradeshows and Events
Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI): Website 2019
Durham College Continuing Education: Market Research, Strategic Planning, and Marketing and Advertising Research
Durham College: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI): Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Bridge Legal: Social Media
CaleyWray Lawyers: Advertising
Smart and Biggar: Logo Design
Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI): Logo Design
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Ad Design and Ad Copy
Bergel Magence LLP: Market Research and Marketing and Advertising Plans
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Corporate Headshots and Photography
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Brochure Design
McMaster University: Institute for Research on Aging Website
Lipman Zener Waxman (LZW): Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Corporate Headshots
Minden Gross: Holiday Cards
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Corporate Headshots
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Tradeshows and Events
Book Law: Website
Strigberger Brown Armstrong LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Torkin Manes LLP: Brochure Design
Glaholt Bowles LLP: Tradeshows and Events
Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario: Website
Torkin Manes LLP: Newsletter Design
Sorbara Law: Website
McMaster Health Forum: Website
TTL Health Law: Advertising
CCPartners LLP: Advertising
Smart and Biggar: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Cavalluzzo LLP: SEO and Website On-Page and Off-Page SEO
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Advertising Campaign
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Advertising
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Stationery (PowerPoint)
Dunnion Law: Website
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Advertising
Torkin Manes LLP: Website
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP: Copywriting and Lawyer Bios
Shields O'Donnell Mackillop LLP: Website
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Copywriting and Professional Bios and Profiles
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Website
MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Strategic and Marketing Plan
Banafsheh Danesh & Javid: Design and Advertising
Rye Park Manor: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Rye Park Manor: Logo Design
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Logo Design (Firm)
Bergel Magence LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Dunnion Law: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Tradeshows and Events
SV Law: Website 2017
Robert William Young and Associate: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Robert William Young & Associate: Website
SV Law: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Website
Bergel Magence LLP: Corporate Headshots
Bergel Magence LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Banafsheh Danesh & Javid: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Copywriting and Professional Bios
Forget Smith: Logo Design
Forget Smith: Stationery Design and Business Cards
TTL Health Law: Website 2017
SV Law: Marketing Strategy and Plans and Media Planning and Advertising Research
Banafsheh Danesh & Javid: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Rye Park Manor: Website
Rye Park Manor: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Rye Park Manor: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Rye Park Manor: Stationery Design and Business Cards
McMaster University: Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Website
TTL Health Law: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
CCPartners LLP: Logo Design - Firm and Anniversary
CaleyWray Lawyers: Website
Ross & McBride LLP: Strategic Marketing Plans
CaleyWray Lawyers: Copywriting and Professional Bios
Rye Park Manor: Signage
Aird & Berlis: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Aird & Berlis: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Aird & Berlis: Corporate Headshots and Photography
Aird & Berlis: Copywriting and Professional Bios
Aird & Berlis: Newsletter Design
Aird & Berlis: Website
Aird & Berlis: Signage Design
Aird & Berlis: Social Media Marketing
Aird & Berlis: Logo Design
SV Law: Ad Campaign
Crosbie & Company Inc.: Advertising
SV Law: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Carranza: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Scargall Owen-King LLP: Website
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Goddard Gamage LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Goddard Gamage LLP: Logo Design
McMaster University: Department of Surgery Website
Mills & Mills LLP: Holiday Video
Bergel Magence LLP: Advertising
McMaster University: Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Website
Torkin Manes LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Fine and Deo: Copywriting and Professional Bios
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Stationery Design and Business Cards
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Social Media Marketing
McMaster University: Child Life Studies Website
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP: Copywriting and Professional Bios
CCPartners LLP: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
SV Law: Microsite
CCPartners LLP: Corporate Headshots and Photography
Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Torkin Manes LLP: Intranet and Client Portal
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Content Marketing and Copywriting and Professional Bios and Profiles 2022
Bergel Magence LLP: Website
Torkin Manes LLP: Stationery Design
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Website
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein: Advertising Design and Copy
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Corporate Headshots and Photography
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Website 2015
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP: Website
McCarter Grespan Lawyers: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Cummings Cooper Schusheim Berliner LLP: Corporate Headshots and Photography
McMaster University: Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences Website
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Logo Design
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein: Website
Scargall Owen-King LLP: Logo Design
Bergel Magence LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Bergel Magence LLP: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Partners Indemnity Insurance Brokers Ltd.: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Fine and Deo: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Fine and Deo: Tradeshows and Events
Fine and Deo: Corporate Headshots and Photography
Belmore Neidrauer LLP: Website (2018)
Martin and Hillyer Associates: Advertising
Fine and Deo: Website
Chaitons LLP: Advertising
Scargall Owen-King LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Cavalluzzo LLP: Website 2014
Fine and Deo: Brand Positioning and Awareness
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Crosbie & Company Inc.: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Crosbie & Company Inc.: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Market Research and Marketing Plan
TTL Health Law: Content Marketing and Copywriting
Martin and Hillyer Associates: Marketing Plan
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP: Stationery
Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI): Website 2015
Shields O'Donnell Mackillop LLP: Logo Design
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Tradeshows and Events
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Logo Design (Campaign)
Chaitons LLP: Website 2014
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein: Corporate Headshots and Firm Photography
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Social Media Advertising and Marketing
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Brochure Design and Marketing Collateral
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Websites
Chaitons LLP: Copywriting and Lawyer Bios
SV Law: Tradeshows and Events
Chaitons LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Logo Design
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Marketing Strategy and Plans
Cavalluzzo LLP: Newsletter
The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA): Newsletter Design
Cavalluzzo LLP: Stationery
Cubicle Fugitive: VooDoo LLP Social Media
Cubicle Fugitive: VooDoo LLP Tradeshows and Events
Cubicle Fugitive: VooDoo LLP Logo Design
Cubicle Fugitive: VooDoo LLP Brochure Design and Marketing Collateral
McMaster University: Undergraduate Medical Program Website
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Website
Carranza: Tradeshows and Events
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Signage Design
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
SV Law: Intranet
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Website (2018)
TTL Health Law: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Dillon Consulting Limited: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Dillon Consulting Limited: Content Marketing and Copywriting
SV Law: Brochure Design
Torkin Manes LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Bergmanis Preyra LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
CCPartners LLP: Tradeshows and Events
CCPartners LLP: Website
Minden Gross: Corporate Headshots and Photography
TTL Health Law: Website 2013
CCPartners LLP: Signage Design
Robins Appleby LLP: Website
CCPartners LLP: Brochure
Minden Gross: Advertising
CCPartners LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Robins Appleby LLP: Corporate Headshots and Photography
CCPartners LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
SV Law: Website 2013
Cavalluzzo LLP: Signage Design
Forget Smith: Website
Cavalluzzo LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Cavalluzzo LLP: Logo Design
Willms and Shier Lawyers LLP: Website Design and Development (2012)
Carranza: Copywriting and Professional Bios and Profiles
Robins Appleby LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness
Pettinelli Mastroluisi LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Carranza: Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Carranza: Corporate Headshots
Pettinelli Mastroluisi LLP: Logo Design
Carranza: Advertising
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Brochure Design
Minden Gross: Website
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Minden Gross: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Carranza: Stationery Design and Business Cards
Carranza: Logo Design
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Stationery Design and Business Cards
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Logo Design
Cohen Hamilton Steger (CHS): Brand Positioning and Awareness
Agro Zaffiro LLP: Logo Design
Agro Zaffiro LLP: Brand Positioning and Awareness Strategy
Agro Zaffiro LLP: Stationery Design and Business Cards
The Morris Law Group (MLG): Brand Positioning and Awareness Campaign
Brand and Marketing Strategy
Brand Naming
Brand Positioning
Internal and Employee Branding
Marketing Strategy and Plans
Media Planning and Advertising Research
Strategic Planning
Content Marketing and Copywriting
Ad Copy
Communications Strategy
Professional Bios and Profiles
Corporate Communications
Internal Communications
Design and Advertising
Ad Campaign and Design
Brochure Design and Marketing Collateral
Holiday Card Design
Logo Design
Newsletter Design and Electronic Communications
Signage Design
Stationery Design and Business Cards
Tradeshows and Events
Digital Marketing and SEO
Data Analytics and Data Reporting
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Advertising and Marketing
Web Design and Development
CMS Training and Support
Content Management System (CMS)
Corporate Headshots and Photography
Intranet and Client Portal
Website Design
Website Development
Website On-Page and Off-Page SEO
Website Strategy and Information Architecture
Law Firms
Education and Research
Accounting and Financial Services
Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)
Non-Profits and Charities
Managed IT Service Providers
News & Insights
News & Events
Show all
Recognizing Our Clients Named in the 2025 Lexpert Directory
Cubicle Fugitive Sponsors LMA Canada Regional Conference 2024 in Niagara Falls
Brattys LLP Launches Their New Website
Cubicle Fugitive Presents Social Media Workshop at TLOMA Conference
Redgrave LLP Launches Their New Website
OMH Launches Their New Website
Pink Larkin Launches Their New Website
Morgan MacLeod Named the 2025 RLC Chair on the LMA International Board of Directors
Cubicle Fugitive Team to Lead Marketing Workshop at TLOMA’s 2024 Conference
McGonigle Law Launches Their New Website
Spetter Zeitz Klaiman Launches Their New Website
Book Erskine LLP Launches Their New Website
RSG Law Launches Their New Website
Cubicle Fugitive Team Takes Part in Social Event at Hambrgr
Jacob Senior Celebrates 10 Years at Cubicle Fugitive
Kingwell Immigration Law Launches Their New Website
Nicholas Straughan Celebrates 5 Years with Cubicle Fugitive
Progressive Contractors Association Launches Their New Website
Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP Launches Their New Website
Cubicle Fugitive Attends the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference
Wood Bull LLP Launches Their New Website
Cubicle Fugitive to co-sponsor Canada Night event at the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference
Morgan MacLeod to moderate at the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference
Adair Goldblatt Bieber Launches Their New Website
Cubicle Fugitive to attend the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference
Andrea Falcone to serve as Director-at-Large for Membership on the 2024 LMA Canada Regional Governing Board
Morgan MacLeod to Speak at the Erie County Bar Association Seminar: Defining, Building and Growing Your Digital Brand for Lawyers
Cubicle Fugitive Celebrates Success of Client Law Firms Named Most Recommended in Canada
Honouring our Clients Recognized by Best Lawyers 18th Edition
Cubicle Fugitive Sponsors LMA Half-Day Business Development Seminar and Winter Social
Morgan MacLeod to speak on LMA Tech West Conference Panel
Morgan MacLeod Joins Panel at TLOMA Technology Workshop Empowering Women in Technology
Cubicle Fugitive Attends the TLOMA Conference and Trade Show 2023
Introduction to GA4
The Legal Marketing Association names its 2024 Annual Conference Advisory Committee
Cubicle Fugitives Brand and Marketing Strategists attend the 2023 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference
Morgan MacLeod guest on the Firing On All Syllables Podcast
Morgan MacLeod to moderate at the 2023 LMA Annual Conference
A Big Thank You to Our Clients
Cubicle Fugitive Sponsors 2022 LMA Canada Conference and Reception
Cubicle Fugitive Attends the TLOMA Conference and Trade Show 2022
Honouring our Clients Named to the 2022 Lexpert Directory
Now Announcing this Year's Canadian Law Awards Winners and Excellence Awardees
Cubicle Fugitive Volunteers with the Legal Marketing Association
Morgan MacLeod Named the 2021 President of the LMA Canada Region
Due to a Shortage of Office Toilet Paper
Congratulations to the Triumphant Lawyers of the Year
Cubicle Fugitive Honours the Legacy of Bill Morris
Cubicle Fugitive Identified as a Leading Advertising Agency by Clutch
May We Present to You the Lawyers of the Year
Kudos to the 2018 Lexpert Leading Lawyers
The 2017 LMA Eastern Canada Region Award for Branding goes to…
Cheers to Three CF Clients Named to Top 10 Ontario Regional Firms List
And the Best Lawyers™ are… (Drumroll, Please)
Torkin Manes Wins Legal Marketing Association Award for Best Online Presence
Show all
Would You Trust AI to Argue Your Case? Then Don’t Let It Design Your Brand
Three Ways Women in Law can Elevate Their Professional Profile
Instagram’s Grid is Changing: What Law Firms and Professional Services Need to Know
Top 10 Things to Consider When Starting Your Own Firm
Trends in Law Firm Naming: What’s in a Name?
What Makes a Great Brand and Firm Name?
When to Consider a Brand Refresh vs. a Rebrand
5 Steps to Building Better Bios
Maximize your Website Performance: Top Enhancements to Consider for 2025
Stop Writing! How a Good Content Strategy Can Help You Write Less and Leverage Content More
Top 5 Reasons Firms Rebrand
Strategies to Make Your Website User-Friendly
From Support to Strategy: AI’s Role in Empowering Legal Teams
Your Firm Won an Award: Now What? How to Leverage Different Content Types to Make Marketing Efforts Go Further
Stop What You Are Doing: Secure Your Company's Bluesky Handle Now
Five Pages Every Professional Website Should Have
What is the Best Social Media Platform for Law Firms?
Five Terms You Will Hear During Your Website Build and What They Mean
Understanding LinkedIn Newsletters: Why You Need One for Your Marketing Strategy
What Makes a Great and Timeless Logo?
Is it Time for Your Firm to Rebrand?
Why Brand Consistency is Important and How to Achieve it
Brand Positioning Strategy: Evaluating the Skills of Your Lawyers to Build a Better Brand
Capturing Your Brand: Using Photography to Elevate Your Brand and Website
The Future of Networking: Digital or Printed Business Cards?
Understanding Colour Psychology and Its Impact on Professional Service Brands
Writing Legal Blogs People Want to Read
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Eleven
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Ten
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Nine
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Eight
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Seven
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Six
The End of Universal Analytics: What Law Firms and Professional Services Firms Need to Know
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Five
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Four
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Three
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Two
Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part One
The Risks, Impacts, and Opportunities of Using AI and Large Language Models (LLMS) in Law Firm Communications
10 Simple Rules to Shooting Great Interviews
Google Analytics: Engagement Rate vs Bounce Rate
Content is King but Don’t Forget the Serfs: How Small Onsite Changes Helped Us Rank Better For “Law Firm Marketing”
Google Analytics 4 for Law Firms
Best Law Firm Website Designs of 2022 (By Us)
7 Steps to Improve Your Online Reputation Management - Part Two
Online Reputation Management: How to Develop a Positive Internet Presence - Part One
For Canadian Lawyers, What Changes Now That We Have a King Instead of a Queen?
Top 6 Tips for Improving Website Accessibility
10 Essential Best Practices for Updating Your Law Firm Website
SEO for Lawyers: Building an Effective Search Engine Optimization Plan from the Ground Up
Top 10 Things We Love About Our New Website
Why the EU’s GDPR Matters to CDNs (and Other Acronyms)
Making the Case for Law Firms to Generate Fresh Content
Humans Unite! CEO vs. SEO
The Royal Wedding Website Could be Vulnerable to Hack Attacks
10 Easy Ways to Give Exceptional Client Service
5 Ways for Lawyers to Optimize Their LinkedIn Profiles
Help! My Site is Insecure
The “B” Word: Branding a Law Firm
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: LSO Amends Advertising and Fee Rules
My Nephew Built our Website
Ten Tips on Creating a Great Legal Blog
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