HSM Chartered Professional Accountants
HSM Chartered Professional Accountants (HSM LLP) is a full-service public accounting and consulting firm dedicated to serving a diverse range of small to mid-market clientele. They provide a variety of services including: Accounting & Assurance, Tax Planning & Compliance, U.S. Personal & Corporate Taxation, Estate Planning & Succession, Financial Forecasts & Projections, Business & Profit Development, Valuation Services, Investigative Services, and Accounting for Divorce.
Recognizing that their current website design is aging and looking for a brand strategy to refine the firm’s identity, HSM LLP approached Cubicle Fugitive to provide recommendations for brand strategy and designing and developing a new website.
With a desire to look at the big picture and plan for the firm's future, we decided to take a step back and evaluate the firm’s current brand, strategies, target markets, clients, and goals, to develop a plan for the growth of the firm. In combination with the firm, we provided and prioritized our marketing plans for the coming year and provided a strategic planning workshop and report.