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Loopstra Nixon: Brand Positioning and Strategy


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Loopstra Nixon is a full-service business and public law firm, offering services in business and municipal law. With a growing team, Loopstra Nixon needed to rearticulate their brand strategy to align with their young and dynamic staff, as well as their agile approach to client relationships.

Cubicle Fugitive was faced with the challenge of communicating the history and legacy of Loopstra Nixon and their founders, who still guide and work with the firm today, while representing the young leaders who are bringing a modern approach and leadership style to the firm.

Recognizing that Loopstra Nixon needed a clear path forward, Cubicle fugitive worked to establish a brand position and strategy that had a clear focus. Our team developed a “big idea” that could be translated to all marketing and advertising materials, as well as be incorporated into the new website design. We then worked with the firm and developed new content that communicated their brand and ideals effectively.

Our team developed a “big idea” that could be translated to all marketing and advertising materials, as well as be incorporated into the new website design.

The “big idea” came from the Loopstra Nixon brand attribute of being client-focused. As a firm, part of their brand difference is that they are client-centered. This overarching theme can be seen within the orange pop of colour used to represent their approach to client communications. This idea was translated onto the inside pages of the website, where the orange ball is always the focus, showing how the firm stands out amongst their competitors (being the orange ball in a sea of blue).

Loopstra Nixon now has an established brand strategy that is seamlessly incorporated throughout all aspects of their organization. The firm is excited about the new brand and hosted an internal launch party to celebrate the firm and educate staff about living their new brand!

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