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Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Nine

Blog Post

This next post in the 2024 Legal Marketing Association (LMA) Annual Conference key takeaways series focuses on the final session our strategists attended on day two of the conference.

In the Room Where It Happens: The Value of Feedback and Client-Facing Professionals

In this session, three legal marketing leaders discussed the strategic importance of client feedback and provided effective methods for gathering it. These leaders included Debra Filippin, Head of Marketing & Business Development for the Asia Pacific region at HFW, Hans Chang, Director of Business Development and Marketing for Lawson Lundell LLP, and Kate White, Director of Client Initiatives for Orrick.

Outlined below are the essential tactics to keep in mind when creating a client listening program:

  • Conduct face-to-face interviews to accurately gauge the client’s energy and engagement levels.
  • Discuss findings with the relationship partner at the firm, sharing insights on what worked well, areas for improvement, and any crucial information.
  • Utilize transactional/informal feedback channels for comprehensive insights.
  • Align feedback efforts with key clients to maximize impact and relevance.
  • Have someone who is not involved in the project collect client feedback to reduce client pressure and encourage candid responses.
  • Prioritize client insights over internal assumptions, recognizing that it’s the client’s perception that matters most.

Learn all about how to build better bios in our previous post on the key takeaways from the 2024 LMA Annual Conference.

What is the LMA Annual Conference?

The LMA Annual Conference is a premier event in the legal marketing industry, bringing together professionals from around the world to explore innovative strategies, forge meaningful connections, and learn about industry developments. It typically features keynote presentations, breakout sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, skill development, and professional relationships among attendees.

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