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Key Takeaways from the 2024 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference – Part Seven

Blog Post

This next post in our blog series shares the key takeaways from another 2024 Legal Marketing Association (LMA) Annual Conference session attended by our strategists on April 4th.

The ‘B’ Word: Achieving Differentiation Through Branding

This breakout session was led by in-house speakers Duncan Shaw, Chief Creative Officer for Living Group; Jennifer Larivee, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer for F3 Law; Kate Shaw, CEO for Living Group; and Catherine Stoddard, Chief Marketing Officer for Kelley Drye & Warren LLP. They discussed their brand redesign projects, highlighting the use of research to drive change management to create a brand that speaks to client needs and preferences while simultaneously maintaining brand standards.

Brand Differentiation

Our greatest takeaway from this session was the insights provided on brand differentiation. We learned that the key to differentiation is to look like your clients, not like your peers. Furthermore, when determining which adjectives should be used to represent your brand, it was suggested that the insights gathered from a brand scorecard, internal surveys, competitive research, and internal and external interviews should be leveraged.

Brand Elements

Another interesting recommendation included employing a “Volume Switch” approach, where two colour palettes and multiple brand elements are seamlessly interchangeable, ensuring ease of use and versatility for your brand. The speakers also suggested ways in which firms can take something simple and easy to use but make it brand-centred. One such example included taking stock photos and putting a colour treatment on them to match the brand.

Explore the key takeaways from the previous session our strategists attended on day two of the conference by reading the sixth blog post in the LMA Annual Conference series.

What is the LMA Annual Conference?

The LMA Annual Conference is a premier event in the legal marketing industry, bringing together professionals from around the world to explore innovative strategies, forge meaningful connections, and learn about industry developments. It typically features keynote presentations, breakout sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, skill development, and professional relationships among attendees

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