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Centro Legal Works


Founded in 1995, Centro Legal Works is a privately owned search house based in Canada, specializing in corporate due diligence searches, corporate filings and registrations, and document legalizations legalizations. Their services cater to both private individuals and corporations, serving clients across Canada and the United States. Centro Legal Works primarily focuses on the legal industry and financial services.

Recognizing the significance of advertising in driving website traffic, Centro Legal Works sought the assistance of Cubicle Fugitive to create marketing collateral and advertisements. The goal was to generate leads and inform potential clients about the firm’s services. To accomplish this, Cubicle Fugitive designed a client brochure and designed and ran a LinkedIn Ads campaign. These materials highlighted the search house’s exceptional client service and showcased its unique range of services.

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Ready to start a project?

Our breadth of expertise and years of experience allows us to custom tailor solutions that are perfect for your business. Contact us to find out how.

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