Three Ways Women in Law can Elevate Their Professional Profile
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Women in law have made great strides in recent years. Not only have the number of female lawyers in the profession increased, women in both the US and Canada are increasingly choosing to attend law school and enter the legal profession. In fact, the growth of women in the industry has become so notable that the American Bar Association has suggested that the last ten years should be known as “The Decade of the Female Lawyer.”
Despite these advancements, significant barriers remain, particularly in pay equity, representation in senior leadership, and overall retention within the profession. According to Lexpert, the lag can be attributed to several factors. Women in law overwhelmingly face discrimination from colleagues, overt and covert penalties for parental obligations, and the assignment of non-billable “pink work” that sees women burdened with insubstantial tasks while their male colleagues receive high-profile opportunities. For racialized female lawyers and those with intersectional identities, the challenges compound, creating an array of racial, ethnic, and gender landmines that can make the workplace a veritable battlefield. These challenges contribute to an overall dissatisfaction that stalls women’s legal careers, or worse, encourages them to “lean out” of the profession entirely.
While systemic change is critical, female lawyers can also take proactive steps to position themselves for success. If you’re a woman in law, honing your professional profile and establishing your presence in the field can be a vital strategy for overcoming these barriers. By incorporating legal marketing techniques like biography optimization, brand development, and thought leadership into your personal business development plan, you can proactively establish yourself as an industry leader, grow your professional network, and strategically build your client roster.
Here are three essential tools that should be in every female lawyer’s business development kit that can help you take charge of your legal career.
1. Optimize Your Biography (Bragging Rights Included)
While a firm biography is an important space for showcasing professional achievements and building credibility with clients, female lawyers may be less inclined than their male colleagues to use their bio as a space to brag about their accomplishments. In fact, studies show that, and women’s discomfort with owning their achievements prevents them from securing high-profile work and well-earned promotions, hindering their career progression.
But a well-optimized firm biography can boost your search engine rankings, helping potential clients find you online and contributing to your business development goals. For this reason, female lawyers should actively develop and update their firm biography page. Treat your firm bio as your public “trophy room” and use that space to highlight achievements that demonstrate your professional expertise for potential clients. Notable case work, awards, speaking opportunities, and publications are all great ways to demonstrate your knowledge and experience, as are professional memberships, volunteer work, and any board governance activities (past and present) that can position you as a leader.
The key here is to think of your biography as valuable real estate on your firm’s website—and a space where you can brag about your work and promote your practice.
2. Build Your Personal Brand
A strong biography can serve as the starting point for crafting your personal brand. It can help you identify your core strengths as a lawyer and clarify how you want to position and differentiate yourself in the industry. Building your personal brand is an effective tool for overcoming professional barriers, one that empowers you to define your professional persona and take ownership of your practice.
When shaping your personal brand, consider:
- Your unique strengths and skills.
- Your core values and personal practice philosophy.
- Any specialized training or certifications that give you in-depth knowledge of your practice area.
- What clients can expect when they work with you.
Use these insights to craft a personal brand that reflects your individuality as a lawyer, supports your strategic goals, and can be used on your LinkedIn profile or firm’s marketing collateral to connect with clients.
3. Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader
With your personal brand in place, it is time to take your tool kit to the public arena. For female lawyers, engaging in thought leadership can assist in developing business networks beyond your firm, act as a catalyst for client referrals, and solidify your reputation as a leader in the field.
Ways to engage in thought leadership:
- Write and publish articles on emerging legal trends or recent rulings.
- Share insights on LinkedIn, whether through posts, comments or articles.
- Put yourself forward for speaking gigs with your local law association or other industry-focused events.
Stepping into the spotlight doesn’t have to be scary; aim for quality over quantity and choose thought leadership opportunities that align with your strategic goals. If in doubt, write about the knowledge areas you’ve identified as part of your personal brand. Whatever path you take, engaging in thought leadership can be more than an opportunity to elevate your voice; it can be a significant contributor to a successful and sustainable legal career.
Women in law face numerous professional challenges, but the right business development plan can empower you to take control of your professional growth while elevating your profile in the industry. A personal legal marketing strategy based on your core strengths can be an effective way to establish yourself as a leader, make essential professional connections, and grow your book of business.
At Cubicle Fugitive, we specialize in helping lawyers and law firms develop marketing strategies that meet their business objectives. Whether you need support refining your biography, building a strong personal brand, or crafting impactful thought leadership content, our team can provide tailored solutions to help you stand out in the legal industry.