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MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP: Data Analytics and Reporting


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Our dedication to our clients does not end with delivering a beautiful new optimized website. We can also provide clients with ongoing analytics, reporting, and recommendations on how their website is performing and how to maximize and increase engagement.

We continue to monitor the firm’s data on audience, search terminology, and behavior and provide actionable insights and next steps to increase value for users and produce more content that generates engagement, shares, and conversions for the firm.

Following the development of MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton, LLP’s new website, we were engaged to provide an analysis of the firm’s website analytics and recommendations for further SEO optimization, increasing organic, referral, and social media traffic, as well as better tracking of email marketing campaigns.

We continue to monitor the firm’s data on audience, search terminology, and behavior and provide actionable insights and next steps to increase value for users and produce more content that generates engagement, shares, and conversions for the firm.

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